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The importance of green apples for the body and its many diverse benefi

green apple has full benefits for your body. Let us introduce you to the most important benefits of green apples:

The importance of green apples for the body and its many diverse benefits

Benefits of green apples

Apple has always been known for its many benefits, such as its role in treating digestive disorders, helping to lower cholesterol levels, and regulating blood sugar levels, and among the most famous benefits of green apples are:

1. Green apples and strengthening immunity: Green apples are among the most famous sources of antioxidants, flavonoids, and vitamin C, and these compounds help in the following: Helps maintain and protect the body's cells from damage. It works to fight radicals and toxins in the body, which contributes to increasing the body's immunity and protecting it from infections and microbes. It reduces the chances of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

3 . Maintain healthy skin and skin Eating green apples contributes to the following:

  • It rebuilds and regenerates cells, and protects their coverings from free radicals thanks to its powerful antioxidant content.

2. Helping prevent asthma Asthma patients are usually advised to eat at least an apple a day, to help relieve allergies and difficulty breathing, because apples contain antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that contribute to alleviating allergies and strengthening the immune system. British researchers reported that adults who ate at least two apples a week were up to a third less likely to develop asthma, and also found that children of mothers who ate apples during pregnancy were less likely to develop asthma during the first five years. of their lives.

  • Preventing wrinkles and signs of aging.
  • Promoting the process of building collagen, which enters the composition of the skin and skin cells, and promotes the health and freshness of your skin, due to its vitamin C content.
  • Prevention of acne  (Acne), pimples, and some skin diseases.
  • Green apples are also a source of vitamins and minerals important for the skin, such as B vitamins, potassium, and copper, which give it a shiny look and great texture.

4. Green apple for healthy hair
Just like any other part of the body, hair needs nutrients and elements that are important for its growth, and green apples offer the following benefits:

  • It contains a group of these nutrients, such as zinc, copper, manganese, potassium, and iron, which play a major role in hair growth, strengthening, and preventing hair loss.
  • Contributes to the prevention of dandruff by moisturizing and nourishing the scalp and preventing its dryness.

5. Alzheimer's disease prevention
Suffers Alzheimer's patients from memory problems, affecting their behavior and their lives, and begin this situation is slowly getting worse with age.
It was found that eating green apples provides the following:

  • Contributes to promoting mental health, and fighting age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's, due to its antioxidant content that maintains the integrity of nerve cells.
  • Maintains the integrity of the nervous system as it is a source of B vitamins that are necessary for the health and safety of nerves.

6 . Green apple s and bone health
Green apples are important for bone and skeletal health. This is because it offers the following benefits:

  • A source of a group of minerals important for bone health and proper growth, such as calcium, copper, potassium, zinc, manganese, and iron.
  • Help prevent infections such as rheumatism.
  • Enhance the functioning of the thyroid gland.

7. Promote the body's metabolism:
Green apples are a rich source of dietary fiber, which helps: 

  • Promotes digestion and bowel movement, thus increasing metabolism. 
  • Remove toxins from the body, and enhance the work of the digestive system to perform this process.
  • Raising oxygen levels in the body by increasing the process of building hemoglobin, which enters the formation of red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen to cells.

8. Green apple and blood sugar regulation
Eating green apples on an empty stomach helps in regulating blood sugar levels, thanks to its high content of soluble dietary fiber, which slows down the absorption of sugar in the intestines, and this enhances the metabolic processes in your body, which makes apple ideal in the morning, especially for diabetics.
Studies have also shown that eating green apples helped reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 28% compared to other types of foods.

9. Regulating heart rate
Apples contain potassium, which is important for the work of blood vessels and the heart, and for regulating blood pressure in the body.
A person needs to eat 4,700 milligrams of potassium per day, and eating a green apple can provide you with approximately 115 milligrams of that, which helps maintain your blood pressure and regular heart rate.

10. Green apples and oral health
Eating an apple on an empty stomach, thanks to its fiber content, helps in increasing the secretion of saliva in the mouth, thus reducing the number of bacteria in the mouth and dryness, which prevents tooth decay, bad breath, and gum infections.

Benefits of green apple for pregnant women

During pregnancy, pregnant women are usually advised to be careful about

Everything you eat is for the safety of her and her fetus, and she is usually advised to focus on some foods in particular during this sensitive stage.
Among these foods are green apples, which have many benefits for the mother and fetus.
It has been proven that pregnant women who follow a healthy diet that includes apples contribute to the following:

  • Protecting newborns from asthma attacks in the early stages of childhood.
  • Promotes bone and joint health in the mother and fetus, as it is a source of calcium, potassium, copper, and manganese, all of which are important elements for bones.
  • Prevention of anemia, as apples are a source of iron.
  • ciliate digestion, remove toxins from the body.
  • Preventing pregnant women from problems of intestinal upsets and constipation, due to its high fiber content.
  • Controlling blood sugar levels and blood pressure levels, and maintaining tachycardia in pregnant women.
  • Promote the health of the immune system of the mother and fetus, as it is a source of antioxidants that are important in defending the body against microbes and free radicals.

green apple for diet

There may not be food that helps you lose weight, but there are foods that you include in your daily diet that will contribute to helping you lose weight, as is the case with apples, and eating green apples in moderation and within a specialized diet to lose weight.

It will increase the effectiveness of weight loss in addition to the benefits it will provide to the body.

Replacing high-calorie meals with green apples will help you lose weight. Eating foods that contain fiber may help reduce the risk of obesity as a result of:

  • These foods need a longer period of chewing, which increases the secretion of saliva that mixes with the food, which contributes to the fullness of the stomach and increases the feeling of satiety.
  • Enhances nutrient absorption. Eating more sources of fiber means slower absorption and digestion, which contributes to less absorption of calorie-rich foods.

Nutritional value

Green apples are a rich source of nutrients and poor in calories. They are best known for:

  •   The dietary fiber that it contains in high proportions, a medium apple contains approximately 5 g of fiber, which is equivalent to one-fifth of the recommended daily intake, which is approximately 25 g. Apples are a source of several important vitamins, such as B vitamins, vitamin C, and beta-carotene. Apples are a source of many antioxidants and a group of important minerals, such as potassium, iron, copper, and manganese.
